35 Muirfield Drive, KIlmarnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland. KA1 2PX
, Tel: 0141 847 4568
0141 847 4568
The Complete I.T. Service
Network Services & Computer
Please click on the NSC logo
anywhere on the web site to obtain
a session code to obtain support
Hosted Exchange
Hosted Voice
Cloud Network Drive
Cloud Talk
Microsoft 365 Business
$(document).ready(function () { $("#isl-connectbox").ISLOnlineJoin({ serverUrl:'https://www.islonline.net', languageCode:'en' // autoQuery: false, //disables automatic query when session code is entered // showWarning : false //hide warning for joining sessions // translationsUrl: 'js/translations.js' //path for custom translations // minimal: true // showBubble : false /* bubble: { //set custom colors for helper bubble bgColor: "#eff2da", borderColor: "#bad632", textColor: "#444" } */ }); });